

" Mr. Hernandez, I don't think you're telling me everything, " I said. (p.12)

TEN LONG YEARS 洋書 に対する画像結果Nat Marley was a New York private investigater. One day one person visited him. His name was Jorge Hernandez. Then Hernandez asked him to find his old friend, so Nat searched about the old friend, Mike Lopez. Then he managed to find him. However, Lopez don't want to meet Hernandez. In fact, Hernandez was selling drug and the old friend was one of the group of him. Lopez seemed to have Hernandez's fifty thousand of money. Could he get back it?

This book tells us that when you took the wrong choice, you should learn the right thing and live again. This book was interesting story, so I recommend that everyone read this book.

TEN LONG YEARS. Cambridge English Readers.
Book reviews



I typed 'Help!' and waited. Chip's face went away. The computer made a noise. It was like 'Ping!' Then Chip's face came back. (p.17)

help philip prowse に対する画像結果Mr Wormold and Teresa live together. He is out of work, but she work with computers and make a lot of money in her job. So he is always told that 'Why don't you go out and look for a job?' from her. Actually, he is writer, but he haven't  finished his books. One day, he receive a letter. It says that 'Mel Parks read his book and likes it bery much, so he wants to meet him and talk about making a movie of the book. ' Mel parks is movie corporation's president. Then he meet the president and get a computer from him. After that, mysterious things will be happened by the computer. This book tells us that it is important to face up reality and cherish people around us.

I enjoyed reading this story because this book has unbelieveable and interesting story. I recommend that everyone read this book.

CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH READERS,  Help!       Book reviews


John Doe

'What's your name?' asked Doctor Cox.

    The man in the bed did not answer. (p.5)

ソース画像を表示One day, a man was brought to the hospital. Doctor Cox asked him his name, but he didn't answer.He didn't seem to know who was he, so The doctor named him John Doe. Actually, he knew who he was and remember all things. He was murder! Then he followed Nurse Angela and tried to kill her. Will his plan work out? Please check the ending by reading this book. This book tells us that we should keep calm whatever happens. 

This book's ending made me excited. This book has nice story, so I recommend that everyone read this book.

CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH READERS,  John Doe                   Book reviews


"First, we must deal with Lucy," said the professor. "Now she is dead, she too will become a vampire..." I read &quo...