

I typed 'Help!' and waited. Chip's face went away. The computer made a noise. It was like 'Ping!' Then Chip's face came back. (p.17)

help philip prowse に対する画像結果Mr Wormold and Teresa live together. He is out of work, but she work with computers and make a lot of money in her job. So he is always told that 'Why don't you go out and look for a job?' from her. Actually, he is writer, but he haven't  finished his books. One day, he receive a letter. It says that 'Mel Parks read his book and likes it bery much, so he wants to meet him and talk about making a movie of the book. ' Mel parks is movie corporation's president. Then he meet the president and get a computer from him. After that, mysterious things will be happened by the computer. This book tells us that it is important to face up reality and cherish people around us.

I enjoyed reading this story because this book has unbelieveable and interesting story. I recommend that everyone read this book.

CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH READERS,  Help!       Book reviews

1 件のコメント:

  1. I read this book and I thought it's funny.
    I want to be like he in end of story.



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